We were driving west on Interstate 40 to check on one of our caches that was reported as missing. As we were driving and talking about this cache, we were passed by a VW with 2 people in it. We both looked over and noticed that the occupants were waving their GPS's at us. WHOA!! Cachers were acknowledging that they were also cachers! Kind o' cool.
We gave them the thumbs up and they sped past us. We, noticed that they had a travel bug on their their bug. So, we sped up to get the travel bug number off their car. They changed lanes to make it easier for us to get the number. They knew exactly what we were doing. We got their TB number and followed in behind them in traffic. We thought that we would again pass them and get off the freeway. Since we were in the Jeep, they were speeding away with ease.
Then, we noticed that they were getting off the freeway! So, we followed them and when they parked, so did we. It turned out to be Little Castle Queen and McAttk. A very nice couple of cachers. We talked for about a half an hour and swapped stories. They were on their way to Bullhead City to cache for the rest of the day.
Now we have 2 new friends because of geocaching. I'm sure that we'll see them again. Oh yeah, we did make it to the "cache that wasn't there". And, it was there, right where it should be.
A fun day on the road.